Friday Photos

For my eleventh Friday Photo we had the theme "Makes My Heart Sing" In all honesty BC isn't the greatest place weather-wise; however, when we get sun it really does lift our spirits. I enjoyed taking this shot while walking around outside, it turned out well with the sun out-brighting my face in the foreground. With a little bit of color blending I made a nice hipster-esque photo.

For my tenth Friday Photo we had the theme "Waiting" In this one, I really was waiting, For Miranda and David. For an hour. So some timer shots were a must. They forgot about me.

For my ninth Friday Photo we had the theme "Signs of the Season" Flowers are a sure sign of spring-time, they all manage to bloom beautifully and while out with my group we got a nice shot of some... daisies? Yeah my photography may be decent but my botanical knowledge isn't.

For my eighth Friday Photo we had the theme "Outdoor Beauty" A single flower, sprawled on an expanse of green, there is nothing more beautiful than a lonely spirit. It's ghost-like illumination adds to the serene mood of the shot, warming yet chilly when you think about the grass strangling it. Crouching in the mud to get it sucks too.

For my seventh Friday Photo we had the theme "Comfort Food" One word, Chocolate Milk, okay two.  This is the king of comfort food, and using the focus lens I managed to portray it's friendly welcoming appeal. "come drink me" it says, "everything is better when you drink me" it says.


For my sixth Friday Photo we had the theme "Explain the Picture with the Title" I'm not going to write a paragraph on this one, but the basic idea was to have a picture that doesn't make sense without a title, luckily I had just the one....


For my fifth Friday Photo we had the theme "Glimpse". I managed to get this shot by chance on my phone, when during the beginning of the break we had some bad weather and there was an opening in the clouds. Playing around with the light sensitivity in the settings, I managed to get the glare off the wet road to reflect slightly while still being very dark. This glimpse into the clouds is a metaphor to the glimpse of good weather we get in BC, like a toy being waved in front of a child's face.
For my fourth Friday Photo we had the theme "Opposite". My parents had lovely complimenting outfits this spring break, having opposite colours (orange and blue) that I really enjoyed. This photo reminds me that sometimes things do work out right; families are made, work is found, and happiness perseveres. My parents are two completely opposite people: My dad being strict, detail oriented, and mean, but my mother being the exact polar opposite, carefree, unorganized, and happy.

For my third Friday Photo we had the theme "Spilled" My two friends were having an argument and I wanted them to make up, so I had them dance together at the bottom of the stairwell. The light from the windows spilled over them and I was instantly inspired to capture it and turn it into something majestic. I took over 20 photographs and only chose one, this being the cutest and most focused image. Using a smoke technique and some colour blending, I turned the image into an orange light spilling onto a sorrowful blue, it ended up great.

For my second Friday Photo project we had the theme "Creepy" I wanted to go along with a "Ring"-esque type look, so I got my bestfriend miranda to pose and took a couple of snaps. Ironically the media tech "cutting" room ended up in the shot, adding to the bloody atmosphere of the image.

She's really a nice girl, I swear.

For my first Friday Photo project we had to take a picture of a face, so I stalked my friend Brandyn and just as he saw me I got a quick snap. With a little editing, his ostentatious hairstyle opened up a doorway of possibilities, so I concentrated on colour.

He looks a little creepy actually... Anyways until next time. ~ Marty

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